Outdoor Learning Research in other Journals

See separate page for: Journals specialising in research about Outdoor Learning

Some other refereed journals that publish Outdoor Learning research
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Example: 2(4) 352-263. Meyer, J. P. (2003) Four territories of experience: A developmental action inquiry approach to outdoor-adventure experiential learning.
British Journal of Physical Education
Example: 24(1) Keighley, P. (1993) A Consideration of the Appropriate Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies in Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.
Educational Researcher
Example: 32(4) 3-12. Gruenewald, D. (2003) The Best of Both Worlds: A Critical Pedagogy of Place 
Human Resource Management
Example: 36(2) 235-250. McEvoy, G. (1997) Organizational change and outdoor management education
History of Education
Example: 28, 157-172. Cook, L. (1999) The 1944 Education Act and outdoor education: from policy to practice
International Journal of Sport Psychology
Example: 29, 243-266. Meyer, B. & Wenger, M. (1998). Athletes and adventure education: An empirical investigation.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Example: 33(4) 393-402. Pedersen, K (1998) Doing Feminist Ethnography in the Wilderness around my Hometown
Journal of American Indian Education
Example: 35(2) Zwick, T. and Miller, K. (1996) A comparison of integrated outdoor education activities and traditional science learning with American Indian students.
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy
Example: 30(1) 33-60. Hans, T. (2000) A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Adventure Programming on Locus of Control
Journal of Curriculum Studies
Example: 34(4) 405-425. Brookes, A. (2002)  Lost in the Australian bush: outdoor education as curriculum
Journal of Leisure Research
Example: 30. Culp, R. (1998) Adolescent girls and outdoor recreation: a case study examining constraints and effective programming.
Journal of Management Development
Example: 13(9) 14-24. Burnett, D. and James, K. (1994) Using the Outdoors to Facilitate Personal Change in Managers
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
Example: 23 (3) 82-98. Astbury, R., Knight, B., and Nichols, G. (2005) The contribution of sport related interventions to the long-term development of disaffected young people: an evaluation of the Fairbridge Program.  
Journal of Risk Research
Example: 3(2) 121-134. Nichols G. (2000) Risk and adventure education.
Personnel Review
Example: 28(1/2). Ibbetson, A., Newell, S. (1999) A comparison of a competitive and non-competitive outdoor management development programme.
Review of Educational Research
Example: 67(1) 43-87. Hattie, Marsh, Neill, and Richards (1997) Adventure Education and Outward Bound: Out-of-Class Experiences That Make a Lasting Difference
Science Education
Example: 81(2) 161 - 171. Orion, N. et al (1998) Development and validation of an instrument for assessing the learning environment of outdoor science activities
Sport, Education and Society
Example: 11(2) 135-153. Allin, L. and Humberstone, B. (2006) Exploring 'careership' in outdoor education and the lives of women outdoor educators.
Team Performance Management
Example: 3(2) 97-115. Mazany, P. et al (1997) Evaluating the effectiveness of an outdoor workshop for team building in an MBA programme.
Therapeutic Recreation Journal
Example: 28(1) 25-34. Schleien, S. et al (1994) Integration and Environmental/Outdoor Education: The Impact of Integrating Students with Severe Developmental Disabilities on the Academic Performance of Peers without Disabilities.

To find more journals that publish research about Outdoor Learning, refer to WilderdomGoogle Scholar, bubl, or this directory of scholarly search engines.

Also see: Journals that specialise in research about Outdoor Learning

Index to this Brief Guide to Outdoor Learning
What is OL? Why does OL Matter? What are the Benefits of OL? What does OL research say?
How safe is OL? Who supports OL and why
Examples of benefits gained from OL

Where to find OL research
How much OL is going on?
Campaigns for OL